A better life

JANU: We are accustomed, then, to these proceedings in the vein of exploring life and serving humanity. As we focus for today’s journey, let us be reminded that there are coming great changes for humanity, especially in the area of discovering and embracing the true power of True Peace and the insanity of violence. Exploring this, then this morning, let us choose to sense this change that is coming, this opportunity to reconfigure life, human society, in this direction.

You ask, “What is the tipping point for this change?” Some might suggest that a unique leader is needed to start this change. But the magnitude and destiny of this change is too important for one person. It will come in the form of inner desire and divine sanity to occur in the people. Now one person, or a small group, could plant the seed of understanding, but it must become a vision owned by the people. Only then can it not be thwarted or pass away on the shoulders of one. When it is owned within by the masses, it will be difficult to lead them away from what they know to be true.

So let us encourage then, in our own thoughts and relationships with others, the birthing of the commitment to peace and the awakening of humanity. The Earth can be transformed rapidly, with all the resources, energy, and lives sacrificed restored to constructing a brighter future, rooted in cooperation, mutual respect, enlightened education of the children, and a love for life and its possibilities.

Humanity does have a role, our brother, in the diseases of the world and the unending parade of new ones. So much of humanity is not at-ease and creates, energetically, according to its fears, angers, and frustrations. Humanity awakening to True Peace and integrity and a concern for each other will bring a new reality to light. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 16, 2014                                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross