Exploring the mind

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the ingredients of life that forecast a preponderance of evidence that life exists beyond the perceptions of many of humanity. The first to consider is each one’s mind. Not the brain, the physical organ, but the mind that explores life, senses life, intuits life beyond time/space. It is the human connection, interface if you will, with the rest of life. Many still consider the mind and brain as one reality, rather than being connected and seeming to function as one reality. The mind exists whether there is a brain or not, or a physical body or not.

The mind is a reality that partners with the True Nature to form a union of connection to the incarnate life. Remember, now, that the physical body is of the Earth, all of it. The mind and the True Nature are not incarnate, but connected to the incarnation, by an act of will,the desire, if you will, to experience, contribute, and gain wisdom from the physical life. The mind being a projection of, a reflection of, what some call ‘super-consciousness,’ which is your True Nature. Now, the condition of the brain can interfere with this connection, and many maladies are the result of this.

Now, the mind is a dynamic reality with multiple levels of awareness and function. Those levels closest to incarnate experience can become confused with the experiences: insanity, obsessions, habits, and outrageous conduct in the physical life. The pathway of clarity from the incarnate experience through the layers and realities of mind can become clouded and, to some degree, incoherent. This is why, after leaving the body of a disturbed life, there is a process of clearing and sorting out impressions. There are carryovers when reincarnating that are left over from some of these patterns, including the patterns of creativity and genius and a love for life.

The higher orders of mind and True Nature are not judgmental, harboring these patterns that originate while incarnate. Life records everything, our brother. What it does with these recordings is another study. So there is merit in the quest for clarity, sanity, goodwill, and a love for all of life while incarnate. This is accomplished each day.

Aug. 17, 2014                                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross