The power of choice

JANU: We are accumulating then at this time the knowledge that is needed for peaceful transitions by humanity into happier and more satisfying living. What we see at this time is the necessity to understand the power of choice. Now the clarity needed for successful choices is achieved through consideration that not only includes thought but the heartfelt emotions and insights of higher consciousness. This does not take long deliberation but there is a timing of these things for a process to unfold and the revelations to occur.

Now, choices are not a final decree and are always subject to reconsideration, modification, and complete change. Balance this perspective with the results of ‘waiting for life to happen.’ How can life inspire refinement in your choices, if you have none? Choice is a dynamic of creativity. And where is evolvement without creativity? Choice advances life, no matter what direction it takes. And choice is powered by commitment, and commitment comes from confidence and a clear vision.
So, you see, our brother, choices are not strictly an individual option, but a cooperation with life and its many resources and inherent wisdom. Life is rich with experience and all of this is available to the conscious co-creator. And even from the moment of commitment to a choice, enlightenment occurs, for when you touch life, life touches back. This is the power of choice.
Choose wisely, with gratitude for the power and the love that is life. Namaste.
Aug. 19, 2014                               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross