The power to exist

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us pursue, if we may, that which delves into the Mystery of Life in the area of existing. For this subject to make sense to the incarnate consciousness surrounded by human identity and culture, one must see behind all of that and reach into, not the depths of their being, but the height of it.

So what is the nature of existence? That we each possess, for we exist, you see. The evidence is there. We are talking here about a love for life not described by human passions and emotions but eluded to by life continuing in whatever form it may take, when allowed to. And where does the ‘allowing’ come from, our brother, but the finest nature of love that the expressions of love through existence are born of.

Now, all of the expressions of love that the consciousness can observe, experience, and imagine have as their first principle of being ‘the power to exist.’ Observe nature and its tenacity for life, given the slightest opportunity to continue. And when that is removed, the potential remains. The power to exist is the nature of life, manifesting its potential, loved into existence.

Now, it is possible to redirect the consciousness, the attention, to this reality within the being and experience this ‘power to exist.’ And, when allowed into your consciousness, everything created, including your own being, can be returned to and maintained in its true pattern of being, for the ‘power to exist’ transcends all disharmonies if chosen.

This does not suggest applying this power to others, taking away their power to choose. Respect the sovereignty of all life, all existence. Be at peace, our brother, and namaste.

Sept. 10, 2014                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross