A carnivorous or a giving life

JANU: The carnivorous elements of life speak profoundly to the evolutionary journey in the relationship between consciousness and incarnate life.

Now, what do we mean by ‘carnivorous’ in this approach, this understanding? We mean that which takes from another without advantage to the one being taken from. Of course, in the area of human diet and food, the correspondence is flesh foods for consumption. But this relationship has its counterpart in many other realities of life. In humanity, financially speaking, profiting from another which only advantages the profiteer. Lying about another with blame for your own misdeeds, compromising their freedom, if only in their own consciousness, to gain your own. The ‘eat or be eaten’ scenario speaks to this. What would life be like, then, in any reality, where one was concerned with the benefit to another?
You ask why so much of this carnivorous reality exists to such degree? It has to do with primal misconceptions about survival, without illumination, a foundation of understanding, a larger view of life. Once again, this speaks to the need for awakening to see the truth at the heart of more and more of life, and then making wiser choices. It is worthy to look at one’s own existence each day to see if there are elements of being carnivorous or being beneficial to another, individual or creature or the Earth, all of life.
This theme, this approach to relating to life is profound, for life supplies to those who give, those who lift life up, those who support, whatever is needed to continue and enhance that flow because it’s of service, life expansion and richness. Giving something to another for their benefit is never a loss to the giver. The giver always has more to give. Life finds a way.
Consider this carefully, our brother. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross