The nature of forgiveness

JANU:    Forgiveness, then, begins with a strong love within the self for the dignity of your being and, through that, the dignity or integrity of another being, whether they are aware of their integrity or not. Forgiveness does not include agreement with all behaviors, but profound patience for life to adjust for imbalances, maintaining, of course, your own integrity, disciplines, and values.

How is it, then, enlightened beings can forgive one for hurtful behavior yet maintain a love for one’s True Nature?

Now, in your society you have agreed upon rules for living together that each one may be at peace and fulfill their destinies. How then does an individual or a society inspire changes in the individual that allows respect for others? One must see beyond the behavior and understand the reason for it and reflect this to the individual, under the direction of your True Nature. One may well ask, “How does one achieve this direction?” It is done by having a confidence and belief in who you truly are, larger than the human journey, the human identity. That is the Divine within you, which is wise, knowing, with the power of True Peace, the patience of eternity.

Forgiveness allows others on their path their destiny and the mistakes along the way, the stumbling, the falling, and the rising again. People do not evolve and awaken in a straight line, our brother, and neither have you. Have a larger view of life and the lives of individuals and be true to your values and the Divine that lives within you, which is who you truly are.

Sept. 12, 2014 B                             Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross