You are loved no matter what

JANU: For this evening’s journey, may we encourage and support an interest in Divine Order and what that means. ‘Divine’ speaks to the nature of life in its manifestations that fulfills the destiny of life, all of life. The ‘Order’ we speak of is the equilibrium of the elements of life, their motion and their destinies, that fulfill life even when elements come and go. Divinity is the presence of life, universal life, eternal life, with a loving theme of unlimited acceptance of the being of life. Order speaks to life and all of its creations and realities continuing to find equilibrium, that the flow of creation, manifestation, and expansion continues unabated.

Consider your own physical vehicle and the seemingly countless systemic relationships, yet moment by moment, day after day, year after year, the process of life continues. Consciousness is raised. Wisdom is gained. Service is manifested and perfected. Your presence in life enriches it in so many ways. Divine Order is beautiful, a symphony of life and every part of life creating this symphony, you see. There is no time, our brother, when your presence is not contributing to life, even when you leave the body.
People perceive they’re living in misery, abandoned, alone, in despair and frustration. Yet they are loved for their presence in life, without exception. Who you really are is far greater than these limited perceptions. Life loves you, regardless of what you choose to explore. Find peace in this, beyond the challenges and struggles of the day. When you sleep at night, accept the love, the freedom of your True Nature. Namaste.
Sept. 3, 2014 B                                               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross