The Family of Life is drawing together

JANU: We are encouraging humanity to take a look at what’s in store. The forces of violence, the consciousness of violence, and the acts of violence will end. Their energy supply is diminishing. The humanity who longs for a peaceful life with opportunity to awaken, to grow into all they can be, individually and with each other, is coming into its own. A deafening ear is being turned towards those in violence, no longer seen as powerful and threatening but as a pathetic way to live. The spirit and physical body of the individual will be seen as the Temple of Light that it is, and life decisions will be made to nurture and enhance it. Humanity is coming to humanity.

And now is an excellent time to be part of this, for in the cycles of life it is time for this. The community of spiritual and conscious beings is drawing together. You’ll understand this, and speak of it, in the times coming soon, with communication with those who live this way on other worlds and in other realities. The awakening is arriving. We encourage humanity to explore their vision, their hopes, and their dreams for what their life will be.
In harmony with this change, you’ll be a healthier humanity. No longer consumed with disease and economic ruin. Too much living to do and embrace and become for these old ways to continue. Choosing to live in freedom and peaceful pursuits will include, in time, an appreciation and concern for the lives of others on other worlds and other realities, awakening humanity to the Family of Life contributing in so many ways.
Let not the distractions of the abuses of the day cloud your vision. They do not speak for the Family of Life. They are aberrations and abominations on the Path of Truth. Namaste.
Sept. 16, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross