Exploring Mars

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the nature of Mars as a world and experiencing its patterns of existence and its memories.

It is possible to know a world for what it is and has been and what it is becoming. The seeds and spoors of ancient vegetation still exist beneath the surface, especially under the ice caps in the polar regions. They hold the memory of what they have been, of their heritage and their innate potential, to grow once more. This will be cultivated by explorers attempting to survive on their own on Mars. There are significant underground reservoirs of water locked up in rock formations, not to mention the ice caps. Solar energy is a grand resource for power, even with current technologies, which are embryonic, if you will.

Mars has known civilizations that come and go. Humanity considers itself indigenous to the Earth. It is not. So it was with Mars in the past. When Mars was abandoned long ago, fairly large reserves were compiled for the future of Mars was understood, but Mars could be a platform of life again. The memories of the planet are stored in fields of subtle energy that are still part of the planet. And these memories reveal all of the realities of this world.

There were a number of underground communities, the remnants of which still offer the opportunity for habitation and survival from the extremes of the surface, you see. Past civilizations built these. Others have discovered that Mars is useful, or was useful, as a temporary waystation to further adventures and opportunities. Humanity will discover this as well. In time, Mars will be as your Moon, never to be as it was but still useful. Still rich with many of its past conditions, artifacts, remnants of other civilizations to be revealed.

Sept. 18, 2014                                               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross