Music and the rhythms of life

JANU:     Music can be like an experience of natural rhythms of life, cadences, harmonious frequencies and relationships, moments of profound peace and emotions ranging their full potential. Insights can come from musical experience as the experience reveals resolution of disharmony and the leaving behind, at least for the moment, disturbing concerns. There is an inherent peace in music, whether intended by the composer or not, that has to do with touching inner harmonies that are part of the natural make up of any being, any listener. When playing an instrument and learning the music, the individual deepens these patterns of rhythmic life. And what makes music beautiful to one is that they travel a journey inspired by the music and its many components and melody, uplifting into spirit the nature of their own being.

All of creation, our brother, is a symphony with many perspectives, interpretations. Music can reshape a moment and, yes, heal peace-less and loveless patterns of life, opening the door to release from these, connecting the consciousness of one and groups to the beauty and magic of an intimacy of their True Nature and previous experiences of the beauty and vitality of life. The power in music is that it touches, it inspires the true power of the listener and the performer and, in a very real way, the two become one…or should we say: realize their oneness…for the performer benefits greatly as well, having listeners that walk their journey with them. They have their own meaning for their composition but they are enriched when hearing your own.

Music is a wonderful bonding experience, bringing people together. Music is an expression of the rhythms of life, the rhythms of your own nature, and the rhythms of your potential into destiny. Music, our brother, is far more than the sounds that you hear, but more the journey you take. When listening carefully, one can hear the harmonious sounds of nature, whether it be the wind or a creature, or the cry of a mother and her cubs, the birds that sing, filled with rhythm, more connected with the rhythms of life than they even know. So, enjoy the music. Be enriched by it. And allow this enrichment to spill over into where you live. Namaste.

Oct. 1, 2014 B              Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross