Patterns of Life

JANU:   Surveying this opportunity to explore life once more, having to do with pattern recognition and what this means to, or affords, the journeyer. All of life manifestation has patterns of existence and these patterns are created by the unique nature or characteristics of that creation and its process of being or existing.

When one visits a manifestation to appreciate its reality, it is these patterns that are observed. The degree of connection or interface is up to each. This is the reason for the protocols in researching life. These patterns are part of the nature of the creation of their association, existing outside of time/space. For those who move through life in the subtler realms, these patterns are a vehicle for communication, understanding, and serving. The patterns consist of an arrangement in motion of life forces with an intimate relationship to the manifestation they are related to. They are part of a larger life, larger reality, not just a creation, and can be a vehicle for consciousness of an individual or group to explore their own history, their life path, their record, and reach into awareness of capabilities that have been hidden or ignored.

A life pattern can be seen, on certain levels of awareness, as an orb of light, light patterns in motion as if they were a sphere of living energy. Not to be understood as being here or there. Difficult for the human mind to embrace a reality that is not based upon location or shape. Now, as to the purpose of these patterns of life, they play a role in the destiny of the consciousness of the True Nature as to interfacing with future incarnations and future relationships with other elements of life. They act like your resume, so to speak. Yes, this is a natural occurrence for all creatures, even worlds, in a different way but the same principles.  Patterns of life are everywhere, or should we say, every Now?

Oct. 4, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross