Controlling life is an illusion of limited consciousness

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us partake of what some might term ‘the exponential evolution of life’ that already exists. Difficult to describe in physical terms of time/space, for the nature, forms, times, and expansion of life are in constant flux, a variation of theme, parameters of existence and realities. But life is evolving, our brother. Make no mistake. And all realities, expressions, and forms are of the One Life, connected in so many ways they are beyond description. It is possible to sense this collective reality, and experience its vitality due to its diversity. Many in your world would say, “To what end? What is the point of such a journey?” for they are focused upon the current moments in their life, of plans and struggle, ambitions, seeing all of that as more immediate and controllable. But control is an illusion, our brother, limited, to say the least, when one isolates their consciousness to such a brief portion of life. These journeys we take change perspective to include so much more. Long-range outcomes are far more understandable when the illusion of control expands to the truth of the harmony you achieve with the life you thought you were controlling, or trying to. Becoming one with a part of life in consciousness and understanding is true control. But the control is in the sense of agreement with potential, possible destinies and service. What does love of life mean, then, our brother, other than these things: to be one with, to support, to understand, to embrace and serve, playing a role of lifting life into all it can be and everything in it? The true nature of peace we’ve been exploring is a key element of this transition from limited to unlimited consciousness. A struggle perceived in the past, or in the present, is seen for what it is, for one understands its source and reason for being and your choices that have attracted it to your life. So, the journeys we take, the understandings we achieve, the experiences of more of our True Nature, bring a greater freedom to explore more of life and master it, in the sense of becoming one with it. When challenges arrive, and previously seen as struggles, the awakened mind also sees the potential outcomes, which are real to them. A challenge is no longer a struggle for the focus is upon the outcome that is perceived, and the power to realize it arrives through the commitment no longer obstructed by confusion and disbelief. Once again, the choices are yours. Wise is the one who can perceive all of the choices to be made, and understand them. The path to peace is the path to a rich life. Namaste, our brother. Oct. 5, 2014              Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross