True Peace and True Power

JANU:   We would have you know that the real power for moving forward in life is not political but the love people have for each other and the desire for each other to succeed and to fulfill their dreams that can benefit everyone. The real power and vision to realign governments and nations lies with the people. For the insight and understanding the people are privy to is far more sweeping and powerful than the vision of most governments. The evolution of principles and peaceful desire evolves where most governments drift towards chaos, conflict, and devolution.

These are general observations, for with any cultural structure the ingredients include points of evolution. So the conflicts exist in social structures bringing about a release or apathy in many. The evolution of power and its inherent limitations for endurance will still bedazzle many so-called leaders. Let us hope that lessons are learned and the letting go or detachment of the old ways leads to a clearer vision and wiser choices.

As we point toward humanity’s potential, destiny, future, much confusion still exists as to what works and what does not. Apparent power is a noisy thing, full of bluster and manipulation, while true power is much more subtle, but far more profound and eternal in its nature, leading to the truth of life and profound creativity. When understood aright, true peace allows true power to flourish in the life, and the challenges that seem overwhelmingly powerful are seen for what they are, mastered, and left behind. And with relative ease, we might say. So many of humanity’s illnesses, maladies, are the result of a life not at peace, the struggle to achieve what seems illusive and, even when gained, is not truly fulfilling.

True peace does not bring conflict and struggles, the wasting of energies and resources, suspicions and manipulations. The results of ignorance and unawakened mind, these struggles bring destructions, mutual destructions, resulting from battles, whether at war or in business or even religion. True peace brings solutions, harmonious solutions that truly benefit everyone and open the door for the path of creativity that can be made of life. Why would anyone choose the old ways, when experiencing a life of freedom and expansion and mutually beneficial connection? Not just on the Earth, but everywhere. Life is so much larger and richer than many realize.

So find what true peace means to you, what it can be and bring, and love it into your life. A grand way to serve others and build a future. Namaste.
Nov. 5, 2014                Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross