Understanding the call from within

JANU:    We are serving then this morning the inquiries of so many of humanity as to the nature and purpose of life, the truth of their existence, and who or what they are, why are they here, and how does one find peace.

To begin with, these questions, these inquiries, of humanity are born of the desire from the True Nature to become more of a conscious part of the individual’s current journey, coming to the surface, if you will, of the darkness, confusion, and dismay, which is characterized by a lack of fulfillment and hoping there is more to life without being conscious of what that is. These inquiries, these cries from humanity do not go unheard and life responds as it may, within the protocols of existence, natural development, and ownership of achievement. The inquiries as to the nature and purpose of existence are encouraged for they build a momentum for the gaining of the answers, the understanding, and the peace that is sought.

Many have no conscious awareness of their existence as eternal from one sojourn to the next and beyond. So their anxiety is deepened by this fear of mortality and this lingering fear undermines confidence in the future, their power to exist, to be, to create with an expectancy beyond one lifetime. So how does one find solution to these inquiries in a world and society that seems devoid of them? For how do you see the light in others, when those around you seem to be in the same darkness? Where is the answer? The answer begins within. And by that we mean ‘your nature,’ that that survives sojourns. It is real. It is alive, if you will. It is eternally present, whether conscious of it or not.

So the question arises: How does one become conscious of this which is real and present and alive, and your nature? By desiring it deeply, with confidence that it is real, that it is your nature to be aware of it, to be conscious of it, and grow into a perspective of yourself as a being growing in its light, wisdom, and power to create the life of your desire. Begin living to any degree as if this were true. Hold your vision and your desire in that sacred place within through the love of your heart and your spirit. It is acceptable to life to be, in this way, an enlightened being. Any confusion, any darkness or lack of light, is of your choosing, whether deliberately or not. So overcome this condition by owning it, seeing it for what it is, and letting it go as you may. Now, not as if it never took place, our brother, for there has been growth as a result of it, wisdom gained, increasing maturity. But the pattern of this environment of being, of living, is yours to change.

Moments of complacency occur when the life seems comfortable, without the need for a vision to change anything. And this is natural as well, our brother, for this is a period of assimilation, wisdom gaining through experience. So be alert to a call from within for a change in your life and allow yourself to understand the call and experience it. A great service to others who are receiving the call within themselves but having no idea what it means, is to encourage them to continue, have faith in the call and their natural power to understand and choose. Namaste.

Oct. 29, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross