The many who serve humanity and the Earth

JANU: We are summoning, within the jurisdiction of this series, an awareness of the many resources of humanity to draw upon to assist in the awakening.

There are, of course, the Brotherhoods of Light that serve the Earth, not exclusively but with commitment and expertise and love for humanity. The number is fluid as Brotherhoods engage as they will, as their needs are required as humanity awakens.

Never underestimate the presence and effectiveness of the Angelic Host, for it is their nature to assist, not just globally but in groups and individually. For opportunities to serve, as they do, occur everywhere.

There are those visitors from other worlds who assist in their way, technologically, sometimes energetically, and now and then with visitation. More than you realize, more profoundly than many realize. They have left technology on and in the Earth that functions intermittently, continuously, and on programmed schedules.

There have been the installations such as the Wheeyah Codes to guide humanity as they are able, when requested, to awaken to the Earth, its language, its pulse of life, and its purpose and destiny.

There are subtler realities embedded throughout the Earth for information gathering and coordination of service. The other realms, what some call ‘dimensions,’ have visitors as well, for the Earth possesses subtler realities of existence and they are part of the scheme of life. These services are more energetic in subtle expressions. Humanity does not fully realize yet the many realities of their own existence and the correlations to other beings that reside on and in the Earth. Much activity here.

The Earth is serviced by those who choose such relationships with the Earth and other worlds, helping to maintain the integrity of a world, not just physically. There are what you would call ‘historians,’ record-keepers that maintain the archives of human experience and the history of the Earth for reference and recall by anyone so attuned and in need of this information. Visually as well, our brother, past scenarios can be reviewed.

There are those who assist scientists, engineers, and even individual researchers and creators in their efforts. Subtly, of course, for the most part, but not limited to this. Many have been visited by these helpers, thinking they were dealing with physical beings.

There are those who are icons, if you will, of the Light, of the Truth of Life, who linger in the midst of humanity and the Earth and radiate awakening. And there are a few humans who have journeyed, in one way or another, to other realities, to other worlds. Some have returned and some have not, but still raising the consciousness of humanity through their experience.

As you can see, our brother, your world is a busy place and awakening includes awareness of any or all of this and more. We would have you understand this: that no one is alone. Namaste.

Nov. 10, 2014           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross