Serving the Awakening process

JANU: First of all, our brother, awakening for humanity is a natural process, which includes countless elements of awakening. The nature and character, timing, and path of unfoldment are unique to each one. Awakening is not one thing but countless moments of realization. Exploration and ownership of one’s own consciousness tested on each other. Humanity is not the first species to walk this path. In fact, humanity has always been walking this path.

At the moment of first consciousness, awakening begins. How to survive? What works and what doesn’t? And, in some ways, being together and needing each other is part of the formula of survival. Imagining all sorts of explanations for what is observed. Humanity has always wanted the answers immediately, for immediate relief from the pressure and challenge of not knowing. But becoming aware of anything is life, understanding it and making it practical is a process. Life, in its wisdom, does not reveal everything at once, even though you ask for it.
And you ask, “Why does it take so long to understand and master anything?” From the larger perspective of Life, it takes no time at all. So even that desire is relative to what? When you put timeframes on such matters, you imprison them, so to speak, that they no longer be free to ‘just be.’ Quest mightily on your path of awakening but allow Life its timing and wisdom for each revelation, that these revelations can process into your life, your experience. Be fueled with confidence that every desire, every quest is known. Being at peace, our brother, does not mean inactivity from questing or engaging life and embracing its opportunities. But you do these things in harmony with life and the natural ability of your existence.
Awakening is an unending process worthy of contribution and care. Continue to serve, our brother, without limiting requirements, but a joy in the service, for life is enriched by it, all of life. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Nov. 24, 2014 B                                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross