Pattern matching

JANU: We are establishing this evening a routine that brings about a solid foundation for revealing the flow of life. The routine we speak of is signified by the configuration of consciousness that brings about rapport with the essential patterns of life, seeing then revelations of the Truth of Life as recognizable and understandable patterns in the tapestry of life.

How then does one begin the process of pattern recognition and comprehension? It is done by correlating it to the manifestations of the patterns, you see. Now you ask, “What does a pattern look like? How is it presented?” It is presented in your auric field and your consciousness, as a visitor. The presentation will depend upon the sensitivities and preferences, and the character and consciousness of the individual. It’s not a thing or an object but a life presence with vitality.

These patterns have revealed themselves always, for, understand this, our brother, life communicates with life in both directions. Life plays a role around you and these patterns of understanding have always been there and sensed without understanding what is being sensed. Patterns are created by other consciousnesses. This is how life replicates itself and communicates. Setting up a pattern in your own consciousness of particular attribute attunes to other patterns and the sharing ensues. Patterns of healing can be generated and communicated to another.

This does not limit this reality. We have called this process before ‘pattern matching.’ So become conscious of the patterns of life, and your own, and communicate. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Nov. 20, 2014 B                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross