
JANU: We have here, on this day, a portrayal of life that depicts the many coexisting layers of reality and the challenge for finite rational mind to walk that path and make sense of it. These patterns are so constructed because that is the nature of existence. Not one thing at a time but, in a sense, everything at once. As life processes itself, by way of you, by way of all of us, your selective attention allows for finite mind to maintain a semblance of order and rationality, choosing to deal with as little or as much as it decides. Not an issue, then, of right or wrong, success or failure, but more a reality of choices and their results. Life can be engaged in so many different ways. How can one point a finger at one over another? So choose, our brother, life paths, multiple paths without regret or disappointment, for there is always another with countless possibilities.

So you see, your station in life, subject to many changes, is always your choice. A simplification but: as a child choosing what to play at next keeps absorbing experience, learning and growing. Why not then just choose to live and be and marvel at the journey and what it brings, living in peace? If life is in you and with you and will always respond to your choices and, in turn, you enrich it by making them and experiencing them and changing, why not be at peace through all of this? And enjoy the journey, as do we. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 2, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross