What is true and what is not?

JANU: We expand then upon the dilemma that faces so many: What is real and what is not? For so many choices depend upon this determination. There is an aspect of everyone that recognizes truth. Understand that even deception has its own truth, that it’s deception, in most cases planned and executed intentionally.

So, what is truth and what is not? Truth supports what you want to achieve. Now, one can deceive themselves into thinking they know what achievement is worth having. Some truths have a more limited path than others.

So what is true and what is not? We are directed back to, in our inquiry, the truth of your own nature and its objectivity. Truth is a harmonious relationship with the flow of life. And that flow of life lives within you. Recognizing flow is a worthy achievement.

Now there are those who walk their path in life with some harmony and some movement that is not harmonious, yet it is still their truth. You must learn to read the signature of life, and all of your faculties can contribute to your appraisal. Allow them to play their role and convey their finding, not to condemn or criticize what is being observed, just to understand it for what it is. And then choose what is true and what is not, and your choice is always subject to change. Choose wisely and namaste.

Dec. 3, 2014 B                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross