Humanity’s bond with the Earth

JANU: We are encouraging at this time a domain of peace for a restless world. There is a bond not understood by many between the peace of the Earth and the peace of humanity. Incarnating into a world has many levels of reality, and one is the bond between the world and those incarnating. There are many unspoken agreements between the two, and even beyond the two.

Understand this, our brother, that the bond cannot be broken, the commitments, the relationship while incarnate. This bond includes an opportunity to be responsible for the well-being of the world and the bodies incarnated into, for they are of that world. The interface between the spiritual being and the world is rich with connections that evolve both the being and the world and, as we have called them, the vehicles of expression. The development of this bond and its potential are directly related to the bonds of other worlds.

Yes, a world is an entity of its own nature, whether geologically active or not, for there is more to these worlds than physicality as there is more than physicality to the human experience. The Earth has intelligence and wisdom, experience far older than humanity, on many levels, including all of those who have visited Earth, invested in it, and benefited from it. It is well for humanity to grow in its awareness of its bond with the Earth, so let there be a growth in understanding and behavior in this area.

The bond between humanity and the Earth creates a signature of reality that can be observed and known. That is part of the human identity, you see, and there are many in the universe that can attune to that relationship and the implementation of that bond. There are those in the human family that take advantage of this. They serve it and are growing in their understanding. The creatures of the Earth have an instinctual relationship with this bond. It is part of their way of life. They cannot explain this, but they live it. Humanity would do well to observe the creatures of the Earth, attune to them, and get to know this bond, for they are a grand example, demonstration, of its reality, its presence, and the strength it offers.

Being in the Earth does not mean being of the Earth, but while here fulfill the relationship and prosper from it. Incarnate life has a unique opportunity to interface with the world. Be it known, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 12, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross