Awakening is achieved with patience, love and peace

JANU: Be it known that we have a vested interest in the success of humanity in this endeavor. Awakening is a term we use to describe or identify expanding consciousness, becoming more aware of life, its realities, including each one’s own life. Awakening is a relative term indicating the direction of movement, no matter how small or large, of becoming more conscious, more aware, more sensitive to the changes in life, the cycles of life, the depth and scope of reality.

Humanity is awakening. We are not here to measure degrees of awakening or categorize them, just to inspire and encourage an expanding consciousness, resulting in a love for each other, service to each other, peace of mind while living life. The vested interest we mentioned has to do with fulfilling our potential and destiny as well as humanity’s. We have grown in consciousness through long service invested in humanity, and not just of the Earth, you see. We are not all knowing and at the end of any path of awakening. But the awakening of humanity is part of our path.

The wonder and beauty of this path is not fully described with words, you see. The mother’s love for her newborn, and patience and understanding as it grows and evolves and matures is not unlike this experience. You have spoken of our patience with humanity’s foibles, including your own. This is no burden, our brother, for we understand this service to life as we have benefited from it as well. Every step one takes in life is never done without the presence of care and nurturing. It just seems so at times. The message this morning is that your life is observed, nurtured, cared for, guided, in a loving way that empowers, respects your sovereignty, your integrity, your identity. And timeless patience is a natural part of this, our brother. And we are one in ways you are yet to become aware of.

Find peace in this understanding, the peace that has always been, a peace that is sanctuary for rejuvenation, well-being, as one is walking the path of life. Be at peace, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross