The foundation of humanity

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us embrace the foundation of humanity and its many struggles through thresholds of awakening. We are not speaking of individuals here but of the collective. Humanity’s path to awakening has not been one that is linear. There have been strides forward and reversals, collectively. There have been frequent times of a co-existence of advancements and reversals. Such is the case at this time. Some of those in their darkest period at this time were part of the advancements at other times.

Let us be mindful of the reality that humanity’s consciousness on other worlds, and this one, are connected. For the collective of humanity is not just of the Earth, you see, and the collective human consciousness of other worlds is wide-ranging in ability and maturity and, yes, advancements. And humans from other worlds have visited the Earth and are keenly aware of the human condition on Earth. By thoroughly understanding their own evolutionary path, they are very cautious with their influence, mainly here to observe and learn from the Earth’s journey. And there is much communication and observation with journeys such as ours.

There is a trinity of Earth worlds whose desire is to include the Earth, eventually. Yes, we are close to communicating directly with one or more of these worlds. Re-connecting with these worlds is a beginning step towards direct communication with non-human worlds. Much to learn along this path of discovery, from mutually beneficial connection and exchange.

As we have said before, life is coming together during a process you call ‘time.’ Many, many realms to explore, and Earth is being explored as well. Previously isolated enrichments of life are merging. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 15, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross