JANU: There is in life a vast array of what you might call ‘life patterns’ to draw upon. Many established by other species, other worlds, and other realities. One pattern is direct knowing, on any subject. Another life pattern is the ability to roam the universe, and more, at will in consciousness. Another life pattern is to manifest whatever is needed, and not just physical items but energies, ‘mock ups’ if you will, or grids for virtually any purpose. Another life pattern is to be free enough, open enough, to love all of life. Another life pattern is the Now consciousness, which is an opportunity to visit any part of the past or the future. Another life pattern is the ability to manipulate physicality, including levitation, transformation, and reality shifting by manipulating vibratory rate, to include invisibility, relocation of items from dematerialization and manifestation, to become conscious of more of life, its truths and its realities.
Being incarnate does not mean you are limited to the physical experience, but can experience more than one reality simultaneously. Consider the term ‘unlimited mind’ and what that can mean: Consciousness that can touch any part of life, anywhere, at any time. The protocols of life carry the wisdom to allow these things, the freedom to be and the wisdom to choose, in harmony with the natural flow of life that humanity is capable of. Namaste.
Jan. 9, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross