Wonderful changes to come

JANU:    What we see here, our brother, is a coming together of many interested beings, if you will, consciousnesses involved in a number of adventures, or projects if you prefer, to include the union of purposes relating to different species of intelligent life. The development of co-creative powers and abilities; the coordination of wisdoms gained, across vast regions of life, the universe if you will, with more than that; the ability to create the future wisely and not just wait for it to unfold; the mastering of well-being and peace of mind, clearing the path for steady advancements in the conditions of living and exploration; the coming together of life, as we have said, in so many new ways. The beings we speak of cherish this and have already accomplished much.

The cycles of life come and go, but life continues. The advancements we speak of continue. The physical dimension is one of many platforms for demonstrating and gaining wisdom from the application of new understandings. Life is far richer and filled with opportunity, not just to learn and understand, but to become more than you thought you could be. As spirit, humanity is already of great value and ability, demonstrating this, gaining wisdom through this, and the physical world is challenging but the benefit is beyond measure.

We will be exploring new horizons for life has so much to offer, not just through what exists already, but what can be. All our communications as such, our brother, are a small portion of this and they will continue as needed. But they are not all we will accomplish as we open to more possibilities. Be patient, steadfast, and open to many changes to come. Namaste.

Jan. 23, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross