Enhanced Consciousness

JANU: There are, in the societies of humanity, those elements that constrain the enhancement of consciousness, limiting freethinking in the innate spirit to come forth in the life more fully. Now the enhancement we speak of is natural and builds on its own when an atmosphere of expansion, exploration, and understanding prevails. We would have you know that the restrictions to this are primarily fear for survival, fear of suffering, and limitations built into the social structure. The “I have mine, and you’re on your own” attitude, instead of   “your having yours is part of me having mine.”

Nations have borders of isolation. So do individuals. We of the Brotherhood have learned that integrity is enhanced by mutual support and engagement. Some would say, “Why should I put what I have learned in my life at risk?” Isolation from your neighbor, of humanity, continues the risk, you see. Humanity’s integrity is strongest when people come together to build a better life, to learn and grow in peace with each other.

It takes courage and commitment to move from one social structure of fear and isolation to a different one new to the experience. But that’s the nature of change, our brother, letting go of the old, leaving much of it behind. Consider the challenge and opportunity when contacting other species of other worlds in the midst of current social structure of fear and isolation.

Trust in another comes from experience with them, understanding and knowing them. An awakened consciousness, an enhanced consciousness has the capacity to understand and know more of life, including each other and other worlds. Human intuition, insight, and sensitivity of consciousness can have knowing in advance. And True Nature is not limited by isolation and fear. So you have, as your core nature, the capabilities we speak of. Become conscious, then, as a complete being, by desire and practice.

Choose to live your life more and more in this way of being and the path to the future will become known to you, for the ways you are connected to all of life allow this, you see. Choose this path as a reality. Namaste.

Jan. 17, 2015                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross