Celebrating the miracle of insight

JANU: We are celebrating those magical moments of insight, life-changing revelations that occur around the world with many of humanity, and explore what triggers an insight or revelation.

Primarily, it is the desire to know and experience, whether for yourself or for another; an honest, simple desire for guidance, understanding, and service; a moment of open-mindedness and faith in the power to receive, to understand, from something larger than your current perception of reality. One does not need to understand the mechanics, so to speak, the structure of communication, but willing to receive it and apply it. We are not speaking of curiosity and entertainment here, but a conviction that it is needed. A perception of the presence of a reality that knows, some would call a ‘divine connection.’

Sincerity and light-heartedness go hand in hand. Sincerity focuses the commitment to know, to serve. Light-heartedness opens the mind and heart to receive, joyous to once more experience a sense of the magic of life. Always there. Always benevolent. Always loving.

There is an answer and a solution, our brother, for any question, any need. Be open to the answer, the understanding, as it is. And then apply it, honestly. Have faith in its result, whether seen or not, and find True Peace. Namaste.

Jan. 19, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross