Mutual service between the Earth and humanity

JANU: We are requesting at this time that we proceed with an embellishment of the aptitude of humanity to embrace its capability as responsible custodians, as partners with the Earth. The captain of a ship is more than responsible for the course it takes, but its condition as well. The Earth is such a vessel, as is each one’s life. And humanity cannot walk its journey without the Earth.

The scientists warn of global warming and polluting of the Earth from humanity’s activities. But the economics of industry refute this, as there being no evidence and too costly to change. It is too costly not to change, but shortsightedness cannot see this. The Earth can assist humanity in so many ways, yet is being challenged by a humanity it can benefit. Each day, humanity would do well to consider its relationship with the Earth, as part of its business.

Let us hold then to the ideal that humanity and the Earth is a partnership, with a contract of mutual benefit. There is wisdom in balancing your life with a long view that includes the Earth. Take good care of the ship you sail on. It is not indestructible, but has survived much longer than humanity and, one way or another, will outlive it. Love the Earth as you love yourself, and the partnership will succeed. Namaste.

Jan. 22, 2015 B                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross