The nature of eternal life

JANU: Perpetuating life, the unfoldment of it, is the principle behind which purpose is given to everything. Life is perpetuated by a reality of motivation for continuation, no matter the natures of these motivations.

There is an innate knowing in all manifestation that a primary purpose of existence is to continue the flow of life without end. Even though the expressions come and go, and evolve, and new ones are begun, the life continues. Any species humanity comes in contact with has this as a core reality. Even though competition seems to prevail for a place in life, there is room enough for all of life’s creations to fulfill their destiny and to choose their path to that destiny.

Now, what does ‘eternity’ mean then in a reality beyond time and space? Eternity is better described as the Now of life. Past, present, and future of time/space consciousness is One in the Now. And the reality of the Now is a window into eternity beyond time and space. Your True Nature is part of this and possesses that window, its true connection with all of life. So, even though your incarnate consciousness is centered in time/space for the moment, acknowledge your heritage, your birthright, your true freedom. The reality of the love you hold dear in incarnate reality is an expression of the Now.

Living your life, expanding your consciousness, in this tradition, helps purify your experience with equilibrium and balance. Your physical bodies have a destiny and a patterned relationship with what we speak of, but then again, our brother, the elements of your bodies, molecules and atoms and such, have their destiny as well and they walk with you briefly on this path, making many experiences possible. This life expression that seems dormant, life it is, our brother.

Grow to see life in everything, and vitality, its living dormancy, its potential and destiny. Life is eternal. Even though manifestations come and go, and change, and interact, changing each other. Perceive life in everything and live in the Now. Be at peace and namaste.
Jan. 20, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross