JANU: We open this morning to announce that a deliberation of sorts is being made to explore human possibilities and the direction of human awakening, in cooperation with that of the Earth and other worlds. Humanity and the Earth have been considered extensively by many not of the Earth, for a long time. This deliberation is an event that takes place on occasion to monitor and evaluate those that serve the Earth and humanity. And by ‘Earth’ we mean all life upon the Earth and the Earth itself, as a complete living system. What is seen here are darker areas evolving at a different pace than others and slightly different directions. This deliberation will conclude, for the most part, by the end of your month, but there are those who monitor the Earth experience somewhat continually and report their findings in a less formal way than this deliberation.
Humanity still determines its future and its steps on the path, but more and more will be sensitive to its connection with the rest of life, the larger life, with mutual benefit and cooperation. The science of the mastery of being will revolutionize the human experience, not to mention its future. And this journey is by no means unique in your universe, but the shape it takes may well be. The need for housing, infrastructures, physical creations, and, yes, even food, certainly religion and spiritual guidance, social structures, and governments will have a different reality as humanity grows from the physical into the alternatives of subtle life and the mastery of energy and consciousness.
The deliberation takes all of this into account. The purpose of the deliberation is to evaluate the next phases of assisting the Earth and humanity. Much to consider. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 27, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross