The True Nature and the incarnate life

JANU: We welcome the opportunity to serve the awakening of humanity, an interesting mix of seemingly slow process and the seemingly instantaneous reality of direct knowing and insight. Each spark of the Truth of Life revealed through process.

Now, you ask the relative relationship of awakening in the incarnate human and their True Nature, their non-physical being. We would see it this way, our brother. The entire being is awakening to each element and to the larger life. True Natures are not identical. They carry the imprint of many experiences with conclusions yet to be made.

While incarnate, the True Nature is modified in some ways from when not incarnate. The incarnate and discarnate consciousness are intertwined, not completely but enough to make a difference. Part of the reason for the veil, you see. And behind the veil, the desire to return completely to spirit, the benefits of incarnation not fully realized, becomes a maturing process of wisdom gaining through the eventual integration of both experiences. Yes, there is Oneness, but many variations. And each one enriches life.

The struggles of the incarnate life, the challenges to maintain, develop, create, prosper, and realize ambitions and dreams, are part of the incarnate richness of life. Not always easy to perceive in this way. The path of awakening clears this perception and reveals the depth of the richness. Realize all that you may while incarnate, for in retrospect you will understand the opportunity. Part of the reason then, you see, for reincarnation, but not all do. They move on to new adventures. The choice is theirs.

Embrace each day with the attitude to absorb its richness and contribute to it. Wise is the individual who chooses the path of peace on this adventure so that the experiences bring clarity and not confusion.

Feb. 21, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross