Looking into the vaults of time

JANU:    We are reaching then into the ‘vaults of time’ to reveal more on the destiny of humanity.

In time, human consciousness will evolve to the point that it would be difficult for today’s humanity to recognize itself. The physical body will evolve to better meet the needs of a more complete consciousness and the wisdom that goes along with it. When the human experiment was begun, all of the eggs, so to speak, were not placed in one basket, meaning the Earth. The question arises again: What is human and what is not? The human physical body will evolve to the point where the frailties of the moment are left behind. Where so much of human consciousness and society is dedicated to healing, in the face of a society that is not in harmony with the needs of the body, makes strange bedfellows.

Let us continue to encourage, then, the awakening of humanity into a larger destiny, which includes such changes. One’s sense of identity while incarnate will change and even the understanding of “being incarnate” will change. No reality of existence, our brother, is static. Everything changes.

Our observations are not limited to one sojourn, our brother. Should you choose to continue the human experience, in time to come, it will not be the same at all. Something to consider carefully. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 16, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross