The magic of life at your doorstep

JANU: We are encouraging a climate for a peaceful humanity. What might such a climate be, then, our brother? We speak often of the larger life and the larger family of life. For humanity to perceive their existence, their physical existence and world, as a life larger than they currently do, it would open the door to a larger life perception beyond physicality, you see.

So the key here is to have a larger view and appreciation of their current opportunity for existence and building a fuller life. Some of the resources for this are wasted greatly and misunderstood, not only not building on these but not correcting them as well. Materialism and technology and the illusion of power have blinded them, not all of them but most, to the deeper and fuller perception of the reality of the moment and the system of life of which they are a part.

How can one abuse another, take advantage of, injure and deprive, when one is in full capacity of awareness of the beauty of that individual, the magic of their life, their potential of creativity, and their innate and natural love? And the beginning of this, our brother, is to perceive this truth within themselves. How do you relate to another in these ways without common ground? The common ground is there, our brother, but unseen.

So you see, a measure of the larger life is in the physical one as well, and an opportunity is to enhance it, drawing upon the True Nature of the larger life, not limited to physicality, you see. So useful inspiration through insight and an awakening consciousness is to inspire humanity to a larger and deeper appreciation of what they have on their doorstep, so to speak. Everything humanity needs—for wellness, and happiness, and rich and diverse exploration and discovery—they have always had.

Find the miracle of life and all of its magic within your being and, as you do, look for this in others and enhance each other’s lives. Namaste.

Feb. 28, 2015                                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross