Leaving all fears behind

JANU: Humanity is more precious than most realize, not just the fact of their existence, that they are alive, but they are more than that. They are life on the move, with countless destinies. The potential for creation is unlimited. Our journeys are meant to warm humanity to their potential. The existence of human consciousness impacts life in ways yet to be understood.

The perception that other worlds are distant and isolated from humanity will begin to fade away as humanity becomes conscious of unknown relationships and the interests of other worlds and species not unlike their own. As two people who move through life are stronger when cooperating and consolidating their talents, so it will be as humanity of the Earth begins to combine talents with other worlds and, beyond that, other realities.   Shared knowledge, experience, and talents or capabilities adds greatly to the experience of all participants.

Life is not your enemy, and neither are other worlds. Let not fears of the unknown prejudice your experience and limit it. Rest in the knowledge that life is in love with life. The fear of being alone in life is the root of all fears. It was never more than a perception. How can one be alone in life, in reality, when all of life is connected and oneness is fundamental?

To lower the veil, which is your choice, to focus the attention upon reincarnating existence also has the consequence of isolation from the larger life, the Family of Life. But as the consciousness matures and begins to awaken through desire, the veil becomes porous and the path of return begins. In the larger understanding of the Truth of Life, no one has ever been truly alone, just walking that journey of separation temporarily.

The time is coming, a joyous time, as humanity discovers and remembers its connection with the larger life and being part of the larger life. The days of behavior rooted in fears will dwindle away. Many will struggle to resist this change, resisting the natural flow of life. Here and there, more and more, individuals are seeing the vision of humanity’s future. They will help lead on the path of awakening. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross