Human survival

JANU:    We are assembling this morning the reason for prolonged engagement of the dynasty of life called humanity. What we mean by this is that humanity’s existence on the Earth has been tenuous at times. Intervention, carefully proceeded, was necessary to thwart humanity’s tendency toward self-annihilation.

Society consumed with fears and protection and power to guarantee survival is not a sound basis for continuation, but fears cause it to seem so. Mis-emotions and fearful thinking imprisons human consciousness. As long as humanity is unconscious as to their True Nature, it will live in fear for survival. For humanity to remove these shackles of fear, it must listen to its True Nature.

It is one thing to fully embrace physical existence as a platform for opportunity to experience the wonders of life in a unique way. It is quite another to live consumed with the fear of losing it. A life of experience and contribution is never wasted, our brother, no matter its duration. Living in the moment, or the Now, one is conscious of the reality that anticipating loss actually attracts it and takes you out of the moment, you see. Living in the moment appreciates everything, leaving the consciousness free to explore everything unconstrained or blocked by fears and what they create.

Come to realize your natural abilities to create every moment and create a life of freedom. Where is the future, our brother, in self-destruction? Observe the nations of your world, the military, the scientists struggling for advantage, the willingness to ‘downtrodden’ others for the illusion of security and survival. Choose wisely, not life in fear. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 16, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross