Understanding freedom

JANU: We are Janu speaking, encouraging the freedom to be. So many of humanity are, to one degree or another, embedded in social norms, traditions of thinking and perception, organized attitude and feelings. Yet the freedom has always been there to choose their lives, individually and collectively. Much has been forgotten on the social path. Many have yet to realize that individuality, uniqueness, and creativity can co-exist in a group of people, coordinating their lives for mutual benefit and larger purpose.

The question arises: “How free are you?” Have you learned to coordinate freedom with co-existence? How open are you to the larger life? What does ‘oneness’ mean, and how is it portrayed? Does your vision of freedom include freedom for others? Cooperation, coordination, co-existence, and freedom. An interesting combination, with challenges and victories, price and reward.

What are the fundamental principles for success in this? Freedom includes growing in consciousness as a being in harmony with life, in such a way that your life is a contribution to the success of others. Their choices and their path are their own, as are yours. Expressing your freedom and living it in harmony with others has its challenges, for lifestyles can conflict and not honor each other’s freedom. A good beginning, our brother, is to deeply understand and know who you are, what you have been, and what you can be. These qualities are helpful in understanding others, for you share these in the spectrum of life.

When you are at peace, the insights come and are more deeply understood, for every insight has depth and layers of understanding. Be open to what lives beyond the superficial. Look closely at your own motivations, interests, preferences, and restrictions you might place on the flow of life.

What is freedom, then, our brother? It is moving harmoniously with the flow of the life that you’ve always been part of. Independent contribution has merit. Is your contribution in the interest of the movement of life and its opportunities for everyone? Every moment of life does not need analysis to be successful, but life needs living to gain wisdom, patience, and a love of life and self.

Mar. 13, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross