Living a joyous life

JANU: We are assembling at this time a quivering, so to speak, of essential vibrations that help to coordinate the peace movements in your world. This quivering sets up a tone that is responded to by the patterns of True Peace that emanate from the consciousnesses of humanity. It strengthens the synchronicity of emotions and insights into human nature and helps prolong the presence of True Peace that will build a new life for those incarnating into a changing society.

So, you see, our brother, True Peace is not just stillness but a dynamic reality that encourages exploration into its nature. It is a transformative experience to employ the power of this in the consciousness. Many are hungry for this without understanding what they are hungry for. That will come in time. But for now it is sufficient that they are open to the possibility.

The joy in living in this way can seem overwhelming, but once experienced, even to a small degree, there is no turning back. Anything that gives you true joy, as when helping another, is a product of this. Remember, what your attention is on, you are connected to. Choose wisely and be at peace. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2015 B                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross