Identity shifting

JANU: We are remembering when True Natures walked the Earth in physical bodies, not fully incarnate but as completely conscious being. That is the focus this morning, for it is the focus for your sojourn as well. The choices that you make serve to make this possible once more. This accomplishment completely transforms the human experience. Life becoming far less confusing and uncertain and frustrating. Humanity is moving in this direction, but understanding it, being conscious of it, is not there yet.

We return once more to the understanding of identity shifting. What choice does humanity have but to identify as being human with a vague acceptance that they have a spiritual nature? How does one identify then as a complete being and conscious of this? It is through desire, overcoming the fear of the unknown, allowing memories to return revealing the larger reality of your nature.

Becoming conscious of who you truly are does not end the incarnate experience and the human journey. It helps fulfill it with clarity and depth. Many hunger for meaning and purpose in their lives, not sure what this means. Awakening to your True Nature, identifying yourself in this larger way, resolves this. The True Nature is more aware of the larger life, meaning it is your awareness as well, for that is who you are. When one develops a talent or skill with incarnate identity, this adds to their identity, their sense of being, and the experience and evolution and expansion of their sense of identity. Awakening to your True Nature speaks to this as well.

Consider a society where adults achieve this shifting of identity, expansion of identity. Consider the opportunity for the child, having just incarnated from the larger life, to continue the journey of their own lives, their own true identities, True Natures. Enlightened parents that understand and encourage. Many children incarnate remembering much of their natures, their memories and experiences, only to let them go, for even their parents do not understand or encourage. Limited consciousness perpetuating limited consciousness.

The larger life is more real, in a way, than the limited incarnate life, but includes it. Let your imagination explore the possibilities of a larger truth, a truth that can help you understand the limitations of your current experience. No need to fear this unknown, for it is who you are. It is your true home and your true peace.

Mar. 17, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page, The True Nature, for prior journeys on this subject.