Integrity and the True Nature

JANU: We are Janu speaking, succumbing then to the desire for the proliferation of integrity in human consciousness. Let us say then at this time that integrity is meant by that which is in harmony with the True Nature.

And you ask, “What is the nature of the True Nature?” The True Nature is a life expression that honors its commitment to the realization of the human potential to enrich life and become coherent as to the nature of life itself, across its spectrum. What this means is that human consciousness becomes a coherent partner in life with each other, the collective, and the journey of other consciousnesses not of the Earth.

It was never intended or designed that human consciousness would be essentially separate from the True Nature indefinitely. This is the awakening of humanity, our brother, becoming conscious as your True Nature. Life engagements are far more beautiful and of profound meaning when the perspective of the True Nature and all of its faculties are the conscious identity of an individual, for one can see in advance the consequences of possible choices in life. The choices become wiser. So ask yourself, “What do you base a choice on?”

We are not suggesting here that the True Nature plays no role in people’s lives. But for many, the ‘still small voice’ is very small indeed and sometimes, when heard, ignored, for it seems not to agree with choices based upon emotional and mental desire, preferences. So the choice still remains for the human consciousness to choose the larger life. A clearer look at the result of past choices can be illuminating.

So love the True Nature into your life, our brother, gently, patiently, and gratefully. Namaste.

Mar. 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page, The True Nature.