The True Nature and the Incarnate Life co-exist

JANU: The focus presented this morning is one of universal interest, not just for humanity but for all incarnate life. The True Nature and the incarnate life are one and always have been. But the human conscious awareness of this faded away many eons ago. Few realize to what degree the True Nature plays a role in the human journey. It is profound, to say the least, but seemingly more in the background.

Our journeying with the name ‘Janu’ as a source for the inspiration and communication is better understood as a so-called team effort, employing the complete you, the complete we, better stated. For your True Nature is experiencing the incarnate life through an extension of its consciousness in the form of a human being. All of the foibles of incarnate life are part of the journey, you see, of discovery, adding to the maturing and growing consciousness of the complete being. We would have you see at this time that we are one and as this understanding takes hold, so to speak, conscious integration of all that we are will manifest.

This is ‘awakening,’ our brother. The veil is fading, no longer needed. Opening the consciousness as a human to being more than this will answer many questions of purpose, meaning, identity, and the journey of life. Not just physical life, you see, but all of life. Yes, you will notice that your observations will be more insightful, more understanding, and more empathetic to other forms of life. This insightfulness will occur while walking through life, not just in special circumstance, becoming a way of life rich beyond description at this point.

We are not the only one awakening, our brother. There are many on the Earth. In time your relationship consciously with others that are incarnate will expand to include those that are not incarnate, for you will appreciate them as complete entities. The True Nature that we are has many such experiences benefiting the human journey, when allowed to do so. A new adventure for your human consciousness but not completely so for the True Nature. Much more to share on this subject, our brother, as we awaken together. Good journeying and namaste.

Mar. 24, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross