With awakening comes responsibility

JANU: We are enabling this opportunity to become a signal one, meaning a reference point, for the transition in consciousness from a somewhat aggressive determination to be more awakened to one that more represents a natural flow, harmoniously speaking. The true power of the awakening being to continue to expand means greater responsibility for the ramifications. If the human consciousness and ego desires conscious union with the True Nature, there must be a movement in the direction of the wisdom of the True Nature as a guide. One must be careful with greater ability, that it serve life harmoniously.

So let us continue to proceed in this direction, our brother, and there is much more to understand. And all will come into the consciousness gently. When one is self-driven to proceed, impatience is a component that can interfere. Probing someone’s consciousness must be guided by timing, patience, permission, and need, for mutual benefit. Step by step, our brother.

Apr. 3, 2015 B                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross