The True Nature of non-human life

JANU:    You have asked about the True Natures of other life forms, the non-human creatures of your world and those no longer incarnate. May we say this about that: There always comes a time when understanding moves beyond current convention. For each incarnate life form, the Essential Nature continues beyond physical life, for it exists before and during incarnation.

Now, humanity favors the notion that their superiority to the non-human life of the world means that theirs is the only life form with a divine True Nature. This is not so. The self-awareness of a non-human creature of the Earth is quite different but it exists. And when bonding occurs with a human being, a remnant of this survives. The subtler realities of life are not just reserved for human spirit. There are realms of life suitable to and created by the consciousness of non-human life. The simplistic perspective of life beyond physicality does not mean diverse realities do not exist.

Why would a human being have a True Nature in spirit, and not another creature? It sure would not describe a balanced life. An awakened humanity—more awake than it is, you see—would perceive the consciousness of the creatures of the Earth with greater intimacy, communication, understanding. Humanity’s use of verbal communication and language does not apply well to the consciousness of other creatures, because humanity for the most part does not entertain the possibility. Now, so-called animal lovers, gardeners, those who love plants and nature approach this, you see.

Once again, awakening opens new opportunities to be conscious of life and its diverse reality, but it is difficult to let go of old ways and open to new ones. This is why we say, “Proceed slowly.” Gently move into your future, the larger you, and the Family of Life. A rewarding journey, you see, being true to your own True Nature. Namaste.

Apr. 2, 2015                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross