The human journey

JANU:    We are surveying then at this time the opportunities to understand and proceed with humanity’s journey of awakening. Collectively speaking, humanity’s journey of awakening is proceeding but not automatically. The collective desire is awakening to know the truth of their existence, create a better life, free themselves from the darkness, and subliminally including the ones who perpetuate it. The True Natures of individuals are not isolated one from another. They are a collective as well and form a union, a bright light, inspiring the path of human awakening.

As we have said before, the human journey is an experiment and the dynamics of it are a constant study and revelation for many, including those beyond the human experiment. It is in the interest of the Larger Life to observe this journey. Generally speaking, humanity is unaware of the vast interest in their journey. There are factions of life that will benefit from and serve the human experience in time to come. Humanity is part of a vast network of life with many dynamics playing out, so to speak. Embracing the larger life in human consciousness provides many insights into resolving issues in the current journey.

And, yes, there are other experiments in life, other than that of the Earth. Life recycles itself with one experiment after another, always gaining from the recyclings, beginnings, and the completions. Relatively speaking, humanity is just beginning its journey, the Larger Life looming on its doorstep, frontiers yet to be imagined. Many chapters to come in the Book of Life.

We inspire humanity not to be faint of heart or to lose hope in anticipation of change. Humanity is not alone and never has been. Namaste.

Mar. 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross