The human condition and the flow of life

JANU:    Why not include the current human condition within the framework of assessing all that life can be?

One has a tendency to see the human condition as deplorable, misguided, brutal, and unloving. The human condition, our brother, is the flow of life, no matter what its condition, character, peacefulness or lack thereof. How does one judge, then, what is enough and what is not? Where is the dividing line between failure and success? There is none for this reason: humanity is loved, no matter its condition or history or future. It is life in motion.

If life gave up on humanity because of its current condition, what else would it give up on? So giving up on humanity is rejecting the flow of life, for even in its current condition it has a future, which is life’s future. And life is vast and profound and timeless and diverse beyond imagination, and all-powerful and knowing, and patient beyond time. Never give up on humanity or yourself, for the flow of life moves on. And what is not life, to be left behind?

So move into the future through the present, no matter the condition. A more peaceful appraisal of reality, don’t you agree? Anticipate the future by opening to humanity’s potential in the present, and all it has achieved. Remember, our brother, do this no matter the condition. Namaste.

Apr. 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross