Understanding motivations

JANU: We are getting a handle on, so to speak, the nature of inquiry into the eternal struggle to survive by manifest life. What we see here is the urge to continue, fundamental to existence, has to do with the universal thrust of Life manifested in creation, which opens the door to considering the reality of fundamental of universal life.

“What then,” you ask, “is common for all manifest life?” Survival, yes, but more than that, expanding consciousness and the co-existence of mutual intimacy and diversity. You ask why is this important to know, our brother. It is because these are universal realities that can be seen in the heart of every endeavor, helping to understand motivations. When motivations are conscious ones, fundamentally understood and maintained, the syndromes of frustration, depression and the like, apathy, which have their root in loss of consciousness, are replaced with the primary motivations to experience and participate in more of life.

A worthy study for each one is what motivates you and do your motivations involve others in a mutually beneficial way. Understanding what motivates you in any area of your life is a key ingredient to self-fulfillment and mastery. Every creature has motivations, many instinctual, some thought out, but all subject to change and evolution. To understand another species, another being, their motivations reveal where they are in life, what’s important to them, what they serve. Consider carefully your own and understand them and stand in your truth, free to move on. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 26, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross