Investing in life

JANU:    We are building once more an understanding and this one pertains to goals and achievements on the journey of life. We speak much of awakening here, but in a way awakening is the result of goals and achievements in consciousness and its investment in wherever you are, whether physicality, other worlds, other realities. The investment in life that you are capable of affords your experience to include greater opportunity to serve life. A life that invests in life is at one with the realization of potential through your True Nature.

And you ask, “What sort of investments produce the results of awakening?” The investments, our brother, are given to life, given to others, and they have a profound quality of a love for life that becomes your identity. Some have referred to this as Christ consciousness, a love for all life. The form this love takes depends upon the service and the need. Being an observer only is not the engagement we speak of here. Investing who you are is.

Become a blessing for others, without drawing attention to yourself. Become the invisible server that is part of your destiny. Enrich the atmosphere of life for others to partake of. Invest in True Peace that opens the channel within each one to creativity and the flow of life. Be a channel for blessings, insights, the Truth of Life, that people can find within them all that they need, as they choose. No longer just the observer, our brother, but one who invests in life what they have gained. Namaste.

Apr. 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross