The Path

JANU:    Common speech speaks of being on the path of life, the path of one’s own journey into the so-called Light, travelling the ‘straight and narrow.’ Yet experience suggests that life’s journey is neither straight nor narrow. It is filled with choices, opportunities and challenges, experimentation, perception and misperception, to gain wisdom through experience and the application of a growing understanding. Even strong commitments have lapses, reversals, and renewals.

So what is this path that is spoken of? It belongs to an arcane set of understandings having to do with rituals. Life, evolution, destiny, experience, choices are not a ritual, our brother, but life in motion. And the motion includes everything.

Quite often, people search for purpose and meaning, absolutes in understanding. That is not the nature of the path. The closest thing to absolutes is that you are one with life and each other and worthy of all that comes your way, worthy of love and peace and the flow of life. Your worthiness has nothing to do with rituals, has everything to do with: you’re an expression of life and a True Nature that loves and enriches life just by being.

So, live as you may. Serve as you may. Grow as you may. Reach for understanding as you may. Be about living, invest in life, love each other, and continue. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2015 B                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross