The passion to be

JANU:    The natural path of human consciousness, individually and collectively, is to become. Without a sense of that, the human becomes despondent, lacking hope, faith in the future, and any true peace of mind. The passion to be is the realization of potential, no matter the potential.

When asked, what would some say they wish to become? There is the obvious: health; prosperity; for some, power; for others, enlightenment; and for others, to serve life in some way; for some, to teach; for some, to build; for others, to explore the universe. The point of all of this is not “to be what?” but to evolve, to grow, to expand, to enrich and be enriched. To return in consciousness to the reality of their True Nature, what some call ‘the Divine,’ the Sacred within, a loving being. And freedom. All of these can manifest in different forms, if you will, different levels of reality and expressions of life. The passion to know and become the truth of their reality.

A valid question, our brother, is: What is your true passion in life? What would fulfill you? What would give you joy and peace? The answers change, evolve, but the passion remains. What is your passion? Ask the question, listen deeply for the understanding, find a way to fulfill. Namaste.

Apr. 10, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross