The identity free being  

JANU: We are establishing a corridor of sorts between realities. This corridor is constructed of, in some cases ectoplasm, in others a kind of neural energy, and in others thought or mental energy. Today’s corridor provides opportunity to establish direct connection into the realm of transmigrational journeying. By this we mean, establishing a foothold or platform into the esoteric consciousness of non-identity.

Now, what could we be speaking of here but the reality of being free to explore any reality identity neutral. The advantage of this is the ability to relate, or should we say appreciate, any part of life without alteration, modification to conform to anticipated perceptions of reality, to observe and touch life freely. This yields an understanding of any reality without prejudice.

You ask, “How does life benefit from this?” It does so by absorbing the imprint of life, of its creations and realities as they are. The wisdom from this builds precepts for the structures of life to continue the orders, the symmetry, the creativity without the realization of potential being limited.

This is a new way of living to your current experience. A level of serving life without limiting it. For, you see, a perception of self-identity is a limitation, with parameters. We are speaking here of an element of cosmic consciousness, a beginning. This direction of evolution in consciousness leaves the need for identity behind. Every time you reach to know, still with a sense of identity or wondering what your identity is, sets parameters, limitations to perception and understanding.

Pursue this adjustment in consciousness carefully and peacefully. There are times for identity and moments of no identity. Pure Being, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross