Mother Earth

JANU:    We are considering the Earth as part of the human journey. Can there be any doubt that countless realities of the life of the Earth, including all of its creatures, vegetation, natural occurrences, so-called forces of nature, processes beyond number, have contributed to the evolution and content of the human journey, with many opportunities to gain wisdom and insight? More than just a platform of life to survive on, but a dynamic and long-lived reality. As we have said before, gratitude opens the channel of the flow of life and its blessings. This includes the Earth, our brother. It is part of the flow of life, with countless blessings for all of the life that it is and supports.

How many in humanity cherish and treasure the bounty of the Earth and strive to connect with and communicate, understand nature? The physical human body is very much part of that nature. Is it not made of the Earth? Explore then the links of the human physical existence to the planet it is made of. And think you that the Earth is only physical? It is not. It is many levels of consciousness, life if you will. And the Earth and the physical body respond to each other in so many ways. Hence the name Mother Earth.

This relationship and its potential have always been understood as part of the human experiment. Physical life and spiritual life are on the same page, our brother. The deity that humanity has created for itself is also part of the nature of the Earth.

The Wheeyah Code series is designed to awaken humanity to the life that the Earth is. Those that designed and created these globes understood this and knew that, in time, human consciousness would advance to the point of appreciating this reality. And these Codes, when experienced, enhance the process, you see. Humanity’s sciences,   researchers and explorers, have achieved a great deal of understanding, but there is so much more. Consumption and depletion of the Earth’s resources is only necessary when human consciousness is unaware of grander possibilities.

Becoming conscious of the Earth, and the full range of its existence, is an essential part of human awakening. Miraculous potentials are all around humanity and are of the Earth. Namaste.

Apr. 8, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross