Discovering beauty

JANU: We are enjoying with you this moment of reverie induced by the music that runs through your mind and your being. Encouraging moments of beauty in your life is not only therapeutic but raises the consciousness, harmonizes the systems, and is revelatory. Beauty is appreciated in different forms and it matters not which. Filling your life with beauty and what it brings does not mean to turn your back on serving life that it find beauty as well, meaning others. What a worthy starting point in relating to another and exploring what they find beautiful.

Beauty fosters the True Peace we speak of, with its amazing benefits. Beauty opens the paths of communication into ideals and values and your integrity. Much of life’s beauty goes unnoticed, unappreciated, unengaged. Encourage this reverie in others and the beauty that inspires one brings out the beauty in the one appreciating it. Complete being is a thing of beauty, including the incarnate experience. Allow yourself to see the beauty in others and in yourself.

Yes, there is what you would say as violence in nature, destructive, which is nature recycling itself into new life, new expressions. But there is beauty in this as well, our brother. Life in motion, process, interactions, creation, the closing and opening of cycles.

Music, our brother, is not limited to the incarnate life. Great symphonies are performed in the consciousness of many and, when so attuned, shared. Do you think composers of beautiful music while incarnate do not continue composing? Only less limited. Allow yourself the experience of a symphony in spirit. Grand compositions. Where do you think inspiration comes from for those who compose great symphonies while incarnate? The so-called ‘Music of the Spheres’ is a natural reality.

The beauty of a sunset, immaculate in detail, composition, color, and movement. Can one avoid being filled with gratitude to experience such? Think you not this gratitude, deeply felt, is not therapeutic and balancing and loving? Discover beauty in life, our brother, heretofore unnoticed, and be at peace. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross